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St. Louis Style Pizza

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The up and coming St. Louis favorite gets a makeover with premium toppings and pizza cheese by Bacio.

Featuring one of these great Bacio poducts:



Topping Ingredients
1 14” yeast-less cracker thin dough
3-4 oz. crushed Roma Tomato Sauce
9 oz. Bacio Cheese
3 oz. sweety drop peppers
3 oz. prosciutto

Post-baked garnish
3 oz. prosciutto


Spread 3-4 oz. of crushed Roma Tomato Sauce out on the 14” cracker thin yeast-less pizza dough leaving only 1” of dough around the edge.
Then, sprinkle 9 oz. of Bacio Cheese over the entire sauced area of the dough leaving no exposed areas of sauce.
Distribute 3 oz. of sweety drop peppers across the cheesed surface.
Bake the pizza.
Once the pizza is baked lay out 3 oz. of sliced prosciutto over the entire pizza.

Use recipe for a thin, yeastless St. Louis style dough.

Bacio Cheese