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Spanish Tapas Pizza (or Barcelona Pie)

total time

Bring a little bit of Spain to your table with this tapas-inspired pizza.



1 14” pizza dough
4 oz. romesco sauce
9 oz. Bacio Sharp Provolone Blend
3 oz. chorizo
2 oz. papas bravas (potatoes)
4-5 quail eggs, quantity based on preference (can substitute chicken eggs)
1 oz. red onion

Post-baked Garnish
2 oz. prosciutto
1 tb. parsley, chopped


Spread 3-4 oz. of romesco sauce out on the 14” pizza dough, leaving 1” of dough around the edge.
Then, sprinkle 9 oz. of Bacio Sharp Provolone Blend over the entire sauced area of the dough, leaving no exposed areas of sauce.
Evenly distribute the rest of the topping ingredients, excluding eggs on the cheese.*
Halfway through the bake cycle, gently placed cracked eggs onto your pizza and put back into the oven to finish.

*Depending on your oven and bake times, eggs may need to be topped on pizza halfway through the cooking process.

Bacio Cheese